
Do Bugs Wear Shoes? by Addie Broussard & Anthony Puttee #BookReview #BlogBlitz

The Word For Freedom: Short stories celebrating women's suffrage and raising money for Hestia. Edited by Amanda Saint and Rose McGinty #BookReview #BlogTour

And No Birds Shall Sing by E.A.Clark #BookReview #BlogTour

The Lonely Witness by William Boyle #BookReview #BlogTour

Unlawful Things by Anna Sayburn Lane #Extract

Trap by Lilja Sigurdardóttir (translated by Quentin Bates) #BookReview #BlogTour

Divide and Rule by Rachel McLean #BookReview #BlogBlitz

Don't Let Me In by Phil Kurthausen #BookReview #BlogBlitz

The Dark Place by Stephanie Rogers #BookReview #BlogTour

Palm Beach, Finland by Antti Tuomainen (translated by David Hackston) #BookReview #BlogTour

The River Runs Red by Ally Rose #BookReview #BlogTour

Lies Between Us by Ronnie Turner #BookReview #BlogTour