
The Guardian by J.D. Moyer #BookReview #BlogTour

The Man in the Dark by Jonathan Whitelaw #BookReview #BlogTour

Blood Song by Johana Gustawsson (tr. by David Warriner) #BookReview #BlogTour

Appetite For Risk by Jack Leavers #BookReview #BlogTour

The Death of Justice by Tony J. Forder #BookReview #BlogTour

#ChaseBookFest #BookFestival #Event

No Place of Refuge by Ausma Zehanat Khan #BookReview #BlogTour

In The Absence Of Miracles by Michael J. Malone #BookReview #BlogTour

Unseen Evil by Liz Mistry #BookReview #BlogTour

Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater #BookReview #BlogTour