
Million Eyes II: The Unraveller by C.R. Berry #BookReview #BlogTour

Babes in the Wood by Mark Stay #BookReview #BlogTour

Psychopaths Anonymous by Will Carver #BookReview #BlogTour

Flight of the Shearwater by Alan Jones #BookReview

Bad Apples by Will Dean #BookReview #BlogTour

Cheltenham Literature Festival #Spotlight Early Morning Riser by Katherine Heiny #BlogTour

The Rabbit Factor by Antti Tuomainen (tr. by David Hackston) #BookReview #BlogTour

The Huntsmen by Tony J. Forder #BookReview #BlogTour

Cold as Hell by Lilja Sigurdardóttir (tr. by Quentin Bates) #BookReview #BlogTour

Welcome to Cooper by Tariq Ashkanani #BookReview #FirstMondayCrime

The Impossible Truths of Love by Hannah Beckerman #BookReview #Giveaway #BlogTour