
His Other Woman by Louise Voss #BookReview #BlogTour

A new way to follow me with

The Lies We Tell by Jane Corry #BookReview #BlogTour

The Orchard Girls by Nikola Scott #BookReview #BlogTour

A Tiger Named Lee by Sinéad Murphy, illustrated by Shannon Cresham #BookReview #BlogTour

The Gathering Storm (The Sturmtaucher Trilogy) by Alan Jones #CoverReveal

True Crime Story by Joseph Knox #BookReview #BlogTour

One Last Time by Helga Flatland (tr. by Rosie Hedger) #Extract #BlogTour

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides #BookReview #BlogTour

Everything Happens For A Reason by Katie Allen #BookReview #BlogTour

Truth Games by Caroline England #BookReview